Nexter Inc

【英版】 はるか / Haruka【interview】


A hole-in-one into your heart with a shot from the beautiful curves that extend from your golf wear! Focus on the past and future of female golf influencer Haruka★

Here is a translated version of the interview with Haruka, a golf influencer and nurse who has gained a strong following of 365,000 on TikTok and 34,000 on Instagram, with a total of about 400,000 followers across various social media platforms. In this interview, Haruka shares the story behind her journey into influencer work, her passion for golf, and what she plans to pursue next.

Thank you for taking the time to do this interview! We’d love to share more about your activities and personality, so our audience can get to know you better.

Thank you for having me!

You’re currently still working as a nurse, right?

Yes, that’s right. I worked as a nurse for about seven years in medical institutions. The first two years were spent on a hospital ward, which really helped me build mental strength. (laughs)

I can imagine that being a nurse must be tough, both physically and mentally. Are you still working in healthcare, or have you transitioned to another area of nursing?

Right now, I’m applying my nursing skills in the field of art makeup. It’s a medical procedure that must be performed by a nurse under the guidance of a physician, so it still falls under medical practice.

I didn’t know that! That’s really interesting.

Yes, I think many people don’t realize that art makeup is considered a medical procedure!

I’m learning so much from this interview already! Now, how did you get started with influencer work?

I’ve always enjoyed taking photos and videos. One day, I posted some golf-related pictures and videos on TikTok, and they got a great response. That led me to focus more on golf content, and it snowballed from there—I even got featured in magazines and received interview requests.

That’s fascinating! So, golf became the focus of your influencer content. What kind of influencer work do you primarily do?

Golf-related content is definitely the most common. I post about golf apparel, bags, and related products. I also do influencer work in areas like diet, beauty, whitening products, and even food.

It’s impressive how you’ve diversified your content beyond just golf. Has any particular collaboration stood out to you?

Yes! I had the opportunity to work with someone who sells apparel in Korea. They asked me to wear their golf clothes and do a photoshoot. I even went to Korea, and not only did I get to do the photoshoot, but I also got to play golf there! It was an amazing experience.

That sounds incredible! I bet your fans would love to see a comparison of golf courses in Korea and Japan. I’ve always been curious about that myself. (laughs)

Definitely! Golf courses in Korea have a unique charm compared to those in Japan, and I’d love to share that with my followers. I’ll be sure to post more about it!

Given that you’ve played golf in both Korea and Japan, you’re the perfect person to share those insights. Moving forward, are there any new projects or areas you’d like to explore as an influencer?

Thank you! (laughs) I’m really interested in promoting golf resorts or hotels with golf courses. I’d also love to try creating golf-related apparel. Apart from influencer work, I’m also interested in teaching art makeup, live streaming, and even training other live-streamers. There’s so much I want to explore!

It’s exciting to hear you have so many plans! On a more personal note, what do you enjoy doing in your free time? How do you relax?

My favorite hobbies are definitely playing golf and traveling. I also love visiting trendy cafes, and recently, I’ve developed a passion for watching sports. I went to watch baseball and golf recently, and it was so much fun. I definitely want to do more sports watching in the future!

That’s interesting! Do you watch other sports, or is it just baseball and golf?

I’ve always loved sports, especially since I used to play volleyball. I really enjoy the atmosphere at sports venues. Sometimes I don’t know all the rules of certain sports (laughs), but I’m learning as I go! I also enjoy watching soccer and volleyball at home.

It would be great if your influencer work expanded into the realm of sports as well. There’s definitely a lot of potential there. We’re excited to see what you do next!

Thank you! I’m really looking forward to what’s ahead!

Thank you again for your time today!

Haruka’s passion for golf, combined with her background in nursing and her interest in sports, makes her an exciting and multifaceted influencer to follow. We can expect more golf-related content, as well as insights into her experiences with art makeup and sports. Stay tuned for Haruka’s upcoming projects, and be sure to check out her social media to follow her journey!

Haruka’s Profile

  • Name: Haruka
  • Hometown: Oita Prefecture
  • Birthday: December 25
  • Hobbies: Playing golf, traveling, watching sports, cafe hopping

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