The Tequila Neki that people are talking about is me! After tequila, would you like to get me drunk? What is SNS for the life-sized influencer Shiori?
Thank you for having me! (laughs)
Thank you for having me! (laughs)
You really love alcohol, don’t you?
Yes, that’s right. My hobby is drinking, and I tend to drink a lot! (laughs) Among all the drinks, tequila is my absolute favorite. (laughs)
That’s why you’re called “Tequila Neki”—it really fits! (laughs)

Exactly! And you know, the more I drink, the more people I get to meet. It’s so much fun! I make new friends through drinking, and they invite me to other parties where I meet even more people.
Meeting new people is always exciting, isn’t it? Just hearing about it sounds like a blast!
By the way, how do people usually describe you?
They often say things like, “You’re like an old man on the inside,” “You’re crazy,” and “You’re a good person.”
An “old man on the inside”? That’s a bit of a surprise!

Yeah, that’s pretty accurate! (laughs) It’s pretty much spot on.
On your SNS, you come across as a cute, modern girl! How did you become an influencer in the first place?
I started out doing live streaming, and as I interacted with fans and followers through my streams, I decided to focus more on platforms like TikTok and Instagram to stay connected with them. At first, it was just for fun.
So you were a live streamer before! What’s been the best part of doing SNS?
The best part is definitely receiving direct feedback from my fans. When they compliment me or send me messages that make me reflect, it boosts my self-esteem and makes me feel validated. I think the trust I’ve built with my followers is one of my strengths.

SNS really does bring you closer to your fans. Are there things you try to be cautious about when posting?
I try to keep a clear distinction between my private life and my social media presence. Especially when I post in real time, I make sure not to post impulsively or without thinking.
SNS has a powerful ability to spread content, both positively and negatively.
Exactly, so it’s important to be mindful!
Regarding your influencer activities and collaborations with companies, what kind of projects do you usually get involved with?
Most of the projects I work on are related to beauty, like color contact lenses and cosmetics.

That makes sense, beauty-related content suits you well!
I don’t have a specific genre I focus on. Rather than thinking about revenue or money, I just share products or experiences that I genuinely like and think are good.
Being honest and straightforward with your opinions is something that only influencers can do. What are some things you’re interested in or would like to try in the future?
I’d love to try something related to food, like opening a bar or a ramen shop since I love ramen. A food truck for light snacks also sounds great!
That’s exciting! A “Tequila Neki” bar would be a hit, I’m sure! I love ramen too, and I think ramen made by a ramen enthusiast like you would be delicious. (laughs) I look forward to seeing what you do next!
Thank you so much!
Please do! Thank you for the interview today!
Thank you as well for your time!
Shiori’s personality shines through her SNS, and it’s clear how much trust she’s built with her followers. Her strong belief in the trust and connection she shares with her fans is truly inspiring, and she’s a role model for influencers everywhere. We’ll be watching Shiori’s continued journey as “Tequila Neki” with excitement!

Profile: Shiori
- Name: Shiori
- Hometown: Yamagata Prefecture
- Birthday: September 2, 1997
- Hobbies: Drinking alcohol
Social Media Links:
- Instagram (25k followers): @shiorin17_0902
- TikTok (9.8k followers): @shiori_xxx