Nexter Inc

【英版記事】 たってぃ / Tatty【interview】


[That’s it. If it makes the time with you even one second longer, it doesn’t have to be forever. ] No, it’s not good! Please watch the interview and video until the end. Tati is a funny TikToker who started as a AAA otaku. Approaching Mr.

Here is a translation of the interview with Tatti., a popular TikToker who boasts 1.267 million followers on TikTok and 26,000 followers on Instagram, as well as a combined following of approximately 1.3 million across various social media platforms. Tatti. is known for his humorous content and quirky character. In this interview, we get an inside look at his journey and creative process.

Thank you for taking the time for this interview!

We’re hoping to share more about your personality and your work, but I think it might be quicker for people to just check out your TikTok and YouTube! (laughs)

Wait, wait, wait! Dig deeper, please! (laughs)

Haha, sorry about that. Let’s start over. Today, we’re interviewing the hilarious and quirky TikToker, Tatti.! Welcome!

By the way, my superior refers to you as “The genius born in Saitama, Tinder〇〇.”

“Genious”? Haha, well, that’s a compliment! (laughs)

You’re very positive and open-minded! (laughs)

Personally, I love your Tinder series. Every time I watch it, I can’t help but shout out “No way!” while watching. (laughs)

Was your content always centered around funny, quirky videos?

Thank you! (laughs) Actually, I’ve been a huge fan of the music group AAA since I was in elementary school. I started by posting on an online fan account for AAA, sharing content related to the group.

I began making humorous posts even back then. As I became more well-known in the AAA fan community, it naturally led to where I am today.

That makes sense! Your YouTube videos mainly focus on AAA fan-related content, right?

Exactly! Initially, I made content from an otaku’s perspective. But as I grew older, I started wanting to create more funny content, so in high school and college, I started watching YouTube to figure out how I could make better comedic edits and setups.

It sounds like you were quite the researcher, huh?

Haha, “researcher”? What are you trying to say? (laughs) I’m always serious about my work!

Let’s go with that, then! (laughs)

Was making people laugh something you’ve always enjoyed?

Yes, I’ve always loved people who are funny or who are a bit “weird” in a good way. I used to imitate teachers or do strange actions just to entertain people.

I can totally picture it! There’s always that one person in class who has the role of the entertainer, and that person was you, huh?

By the way, what kind of brand collaborations have you done as a TikToker?

I’ve worked on collaborations in areas like activities, beauty, and even hair removal and tattoo makeup!

I saw your tattoo makeup video! Even when doing sponsored content, your style really shines through.

Yeah! Even in sponsored videos, I always make sure to include a funny intro to grab the audience’s attention. I try to add humorous twists that fit the content.

Ah, I see! You’ve got a method to your madness. You’ve been calculated in your approach to comedy, haven’t you?

Haha, please don’t expose me! You’re going to ruin my image! (laughs)

Let’s not reveal too much then. Looking ahead, are there any new challenges or projects you’re interested in?

I’d love to try something in fashion, maybe start an apparel line! Since I’m already working as a TikToker, I’d like to leverage my influence in new areas.

Oh, and I’m really hoping to collaborate with a dating app like Tinder or Tapple! I’m waiting for the offers, so I’d love to hear from them! (laughs)

A dating app collaboration would be so fun! I’m excited to see how you would bring your unique style to something like that.

To all the Tinder and Tapple reps out there—get in touch with Tatti.! (laughs)

Lastly, do you have a message for the people reading this interview?

If you spot me on a dating app, swipe right! Let’s match!


Haha, now you’re trying to match on Tinder!

You caught me! (laughs)

If you’re interested, be sure to swipe right! I’m sure Tatti. will entertain you! (No guarantees, though.)

Thank you so much for your time today!

Thank you!

This interview gave us a closer look at the world of Tatti., both in terms of his humorous persona and his more serious side as a researcher of comedy. He’s sure to keep entertaining us with his quirky content for a long time to come. We look forward to seeing more of Tatti.’s projects in the future!

Tatti.’s Profile

  • Name: Tatti.
  • Hometown: Saitama
  • Birthday: March 16, 1999
  • Hobbies: Reading (self-development, business, psychology books), sauna, gaming

Social Media Links:


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